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Welcome to week 3 of #studioinsights – three #bathroomdesign ideas to get you thinking about your next bath revamp!! This week we’ll share some of our insider ideas that can put structure on your next bathroom design and share some top design tips that will help you bring your remodel to life.
1 # Bonfire of the vanities
We often see the vanity as the focal point of our bathroom schemes, and whilst a free-standing bath will always add balancing the practical needs of the vanity (storage, good lighting etc..) can be an ideal place where you can pay some extra design attention by adding colour, texture and interesting detail to your bathroom space.
2# Go Large
We often use large format tiles to create real touch of glam in interiors. With improved technology, the colours and composition of these tiles is constantly improving. You have to be careful with the set out to ensure you don’t have huge wastage and check lead times as they can be long! But if you manage these points you will add a real high-end feel to your space. If large format isn’t your thing you can always experiment with different tile set outs and patterns. We love textured narrow metro tiles in a range of colours from plain white to peaches and greens…
3# Light the way
Lighting is one of the most important components in any room and the bathroom is no different, layers of light work wonders and really upgrade the selected finishes. Ensure the same light temperature is selected for all fittings (2700kelvin) to create a consistent ambiance. Getting the lighting right around the mirror in particular is important and make sure if you are positioning spots you do so in a way they don’t cast shadows. Adding a small night light fitting will also add a 5-star touch
Bonus Tip!
If you want to make a design impact without the risk of losing interest shortly after install, go wild in a small loo/toilet space. Paint it a dark colour, choose a wild wallcovering or tile. It will be a talking point for every guest that visits and gives you a chance to have some creative fun in your home!
Hope you enjoyed today’s insights!
Any questions pop them in the comments below
See you next Monday!
#bathroomdesign #irishinteriors #bathroominspiration